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Earlier this week we lost a great family member, friend, and artist - Mr. Chris CrizCrizis Accoo. Chris had Sarcoidosis Disease that caused him to be on dialysis for many many years. On a personal note - he was and forever will be my cousin and one of my favorite artist. Chris and I - as Brag It On Promotions - discussed many times coming up with a shirt that embodied his vibe, passion and spirit. While the final result never came to fruition during his life time:
I now present to you the official "ChrizChrizis - Nice Like That Shirt".
Currently - 100% of the proceeds of the sales of the shirt will go to the family to help with costs, and eventually sales of the shirt will go to an appropriate foundation dealing with Sarcoidosis Disease.
I now present to you the official "ChrizChrizis - Nice Like That Shirt".
Currently - 100% of the proceeds of the sales of the shirt will go to the family to help with costs, and eventually sales of the shirt will go to an appropriate foundation dealing with Sarcoidosis Disease.
If you do not have a pay pal account or want to pay by credit or debit card. No Problem! Please Contact Us.

Peace and respect to all those peaceable and respectable. I am CrizCrizis . My earliest musical influences were my Dad playing funk and jazz in his office and bike riding through Twin Hills listening to Boogie Down Productions with Giscard Xavier.
My favorite artist growing up was KRSONE. Other artists who have had an effect on me are Talib Qweli, Nas, and Black Thought of the Roots. Their style and colorful words have had a direct influence on my musical sound today. I first started living hip hop/songwriting etc. when I was about 8 years old. Pounding on the desk for a beat or GIZ was always there with the beat box. I have been involved with many musical productions over the years such as DJing parties during my Howard University days, opening for the Roots at Howard homecoming as a member of the Drop Wylahs w/ Romeo & Rime Child , and performing with KRSONE at Wiggins Park on the Camden Waterfront. I have performed at family reunions for friends, and headlined at the 4th of July festival in my home town of Willingboro, New Jersey.
Today I am currently working with singer /songwriter Ron "Syncere" Harris. We perform together on a regular basis and recently completed an art gallery tour of minority owned galleries in Philadelphia. We are now working with legendary band SideBySol , performing at weekly venues and upcoming outdoor festivals. As of late I have been honing my skills remaining a mainstay on the Delaware Valley open mic and live show scene. I am also a part of Hardy Grimes the supergroup. Within Hardy Grimes I am a lead vocalist for the group Van Skyver . I currently have a mixtape I released online in April called the “Crisis Intervention Project”.
You can contact me for booking info at christopheraccoo@ymail.com.
You can see videos and hear music from crizCrizis at www.reverbnation.com/crizcrizis
You can find all of my viral sites at www.itsmyurls.com/chriscrisis609
My favorite artist growing up was KRSONE. Other artists who have had an effect on me are Talib Qweli, Nas, and Black Thought of the Roots. Their style and colorful words have had a direct influence on my musical sound today. I first started living hip hop/songwriting etc. when I was about 8 years old. Pounding on the desk for a beat or GIZ was always there with the beat box. I have been involved with many musical productions over the years such as DJing parties during my Howard University days, opening for the Roots at Howard homecoming as a member of the Drop Wylahs w/ Romeo & Rime Child , and performing with KRSONE at Wiggins Park on the Camden Waterfront. I have performed at family reunions for friends, and headlined at the 4th of July festival in my home town of Willingboro, New Jersey.
Today I am currently working with singer /songwriter Ron "Syncere" Harris. We perform together on a regular basis and recently completed an art gallery tour of minority owned galleries in Philadelphia. We are now working with legendary band SideBySol , performing at weekly venues and upcoming outdoor festivals. As of late I have been honing my skills remaining a mainstay on the Delaware Valley open mic and live show scene. I am also a part of Hardy Grimes the supergroup. Within Hardy Grimes I am a lead vocalist for the group Van Skyver . I currently have a mixtape I released online in April called the “Crisis Intervention Project”.
You can contact me for booking info at christopheraccoo@ymail.com.
You can see videos and hear music from crizCrizis at www.reverbnation.com/crizcrizis
You can find all of my viral sites at www.itsmyurls.com/chriscrisis609